Projects and Publications

Dynamically Responsive Audio System

For my senior design project in mechanical engineering at Purdue, I wanted to meld a few of my favorite topics -- frequency domain analysis, mechatronics, and really loud music. From four years in the Purdue "All-American" Marching Band I'm a little hard-of-hearing, but my teammates assured me we fit into the third topic pretty well. … Continue reading Dynamically Responsive Audio System

Chocolate Gears!

  ***DISCLAIMER*** You're about to see a 3D printed PLA shaft. I know, it violates any and all conventions of good shaft design-- non-uniform internal structure, pretty much guaranteed temperature warping, a high energy, time-intensive process for a easily machined part -- But if that's gonna bother you, you should probably turn back now because, … Continue reading Chocolate Gears!

Lattuce Leaf – Fast Generation of Lattice Metamaterials

Some of my other work in lattice materials has been published here and some unpublished exploration is here. One issue I encountered in these projects is that many of my colleagues don't have experience running command line programs or aren't comfortable editing source code to change lattice parameters. Additionally, everything I had done was based in MATLAB, which limits … Continue reading Lattuce Leaf – Fast Generation of Lattice Metamaterials

Dynamic Analysis of a Six-Bar Mechanism

 I performed a dynamic analysis of a Watt - II six-bar mechanism with damping and spring forces as a follow-up to a Kinematic Analysis of the underlying linkage. This project was completed as a part of the course ME 352 at Purdue University, and was completed in MATLAB and type-set in LaTeX. While the previous analysis gave … Continue reading Dynamic Analysis of a Six-Bar Mechanism

Designing and Building a Speaker and Class D Amplifier

During my sophomore year at Purdue, I worked with a friend to design and build an audio amplifier and speaker as an Honors Project for the course ECE 201 (Linear Circuit Analysis). The amplifier was based on a LM386 op-amp, with a circuit designed to match the impedance of the cross-over filters of the drivers … Continue reading Designing and Building a Speaker and Class D Amplifier

Soft-Electronic Interfaces

A common issue with flexible, soft electronics is how to interface them with PCB. PCB is nearly universally fiberglass board, and flexible PCBs remain out of reach for most makers. While working on other projects with the Faboratory at Purdue, I continuously sought better ways to integrate electronics into soft systems and wearables. I've compiled some photos … Continue reading Soft-Electronic Interfaces

Sensory Glove for Dynamic Hand Proprioception and Tactile Sensing

  From May 2016 to May 2017, I worked with the Faboratory at Purdue University (now at Yale University). A project that I led was the development of a sensory glove based on the sensing technology developed in that lab. For this project, I fabricated the sensors using current film coating techniques, integrated them into … Continue reading Sensory Glove for Dynamic Hand Proprioception and Tactile Sensing

Kinematic Analysis of a 6-Bar Linkage

For the course ME 352, I analyzed the kinematics of the Watt-II six bar linkage, a mechanism for converting rotational input to near-straight-line motion for a class project shown above. I believe this project demonstrates my engineering mathematics and  MATLAB ability. The report is attached as a PDF below. The format of the report was … Continue reading Kinematic Analysis of a 6-Bar Linkage